>(^ written wordscan overlap (no..that was NOT a typo!)
>(^ NEVER try to PASS w/out digesting at least NINE times.(it'll leave you in stitches...)
>(^ even trunkaided overt glanceovers would give you more..(ambiguity=true key to enlightenment..not attainment)
>(^ z A B C D E F G H I
>(^ (zone) (U) (PAir) (Unit) (PAr end) (uNITE) (paRENT) (unites) (parALLel) (united)
>(^ value IT single couple few some group family tribe extended commune
>(^ structure 0=blank 1=noun 2=verb 3=sentence 4=phrase 5=query 6=hypothesis 7=datalog 8=alter 9=results
>(^ trig function 0=point 1=ray 2=line 3=shape 4=space 5=wireframe 6=wrap 7=generate 8=backup 9=save
>(^ camera 0=ref 1=pov 2=direction 3=focus 4=speed 5=path 6=trialrun 7=batch 8=set 9=run
>(^ perception 0=exist 1=aware 2=action 3=creation 4=substance 5=assess 6=judge 7=attrib 8=altar 9=sacrifice
>(^ image 0=object 1=sprite 2=tool 3=make 4=anchor 5=move 6=use 7=attach 8=toon 9=next
>(^ color 0=clear 1=white 2=black 3=shade 4=hue 5=tone 6=palette 7=switch 8=blend 9=detach
>(^ texture 0=nil 1=smooth 2=checker 3=facet 4=map 5=stratify 6=plugin 7=apply 8=show 9=delete
>(^ sound 0=Tone 1=Note 2=Beat 3=Chord 4=Rythm 5=Melody 6=Harmony 7=Vocal 8=Tune 9=scratch
>(^ noise 0=all(static) 1=Mono 2=Dual 3=Trio 4=Quarrel 5=Quinine 6=Sextiply 7=Sept 8=Oct 9=Nova
>(^ TIME VIEW TAKE GIVE KEep BAlance HAve TRade REdirect CHange
>(^ ====================================================================================
>(^ ..and yet..below was my true start point.
>(^ inre:
>(^ !!!>(^ "shit",you have a lot to say it was damn near impossible to #digest# on first "pass".<!!!
>(^ NEVER try to PASS w/out digesting at least NINE times...espessially if you haven't eaten in days.
>(^ ETHOtainment =ethics quest on enjoying rush of ally creation vs hype for destroying enemies.
>(^ "Zero reads" is turning off before making ANYthing out of it. period. nothing.ziltcho.na da.
>(^ .no object ions. no lights.no camera.no speed.no sound. no take. no focus. no no.nonone.
>(^ . =spot or - or_ linier thickness thought mark stabwound. thumbs down.just here. not there(yet)
>(^ "One digestive track" is barely a commercial. BUYorMEorSELLorLOT...but no connection.. THIS
>(^ 1= pointer taken..a ray of hope. but only goes from here to....WHERE? ( WON = " IT" #nounORverb )
>(^ "Two" comes close to "books" in readers digest format. great for words like "PERfect"and "perFECT"
>(^ + =and or small x ... (crossroads.. crosshairs.. TOand/orTOO = " SUBJECT " #verbANDnoun )
>(^ (no gray levels..On/Off. but no switch makery "TAG" " IT" .subJECT to this SUBject ) CHOOSE
>(^ ( THIS or THAT )
>(^ "Three passes" will come close to military comprehends ion.WhiteBlackGray PlanAttackOutcome.
>(^ (I'm a gonnah tell, I tell, This is what I told.)distortion starts with tthe perception of CHOICE(S).
>(^ y =/ depth charged perception\\.TREE TRI TRY(lateral .com).true SenTenseNess (This,That,theOtherthing )
>(^ \\ funnel to width a/\\o spray./ To From Re: branch structures...shades all gray. QUEST ions.
>(^ /yes no maybe\\
>(^ z= also 3..(all odds but one) \\ devining rod / (*futuRE:*NOW*Past) DREAMSTATE
>(^ noteY=devine questioning..Z=motive answering(z=wild card=...link "uf"(NowPa(st*uf*f)utuRE:*)
>(^ Four takes time, but may obtain first gyst. .good doc thing, too (EyeEarNoseThroat)
>(^ X= foil (FirstOuterInnerLast) TRUEspot..LOCALity. multiply instead of plus.
>(^ Five may cover the most we sternest deviancies' known seances.
>(^ ....that's enuff. GREP? me niether.
>(^ my mind flashes all that kind of stuff when I'm just minding my own bussiness.
>(^ ...I stay awake nites trying to avoid devine insparation spurting at me from dreamstasis...
>(^ I can't type as fast as who/what/why ever this is wants me to.
>(^ ..sometimes feel like Mozart working on Requiem Mass.
>(^ >(^ I caught most of the drift and the VRML.
>(^ ..I wish I did. I'm just making this stuff up. All based on sleep depravation and POWERBARS !!! YUM !
>(^ (O.K, coffee nicotine and chocolate, too)
>(^ What IZ scary...is I'm starting to see sequential links in Kline bottle mode.
>(^ Mobius strips' not wide enough
>(^ and Hypercubes may be fine for a room, but not a jinn bottle.
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(^ yesknow
typ0h away.