

(^ ThEY'rE_tH_EAR

Thursday, June 25, 2009

(^ Thursday : a time to let them eat food forthAUGHT

(^ I've been studying my past: generally on Thursdays.

(^ Thursdays hold a placemark in my heart because of one Ms.Kitten from my childhood, and has much to do with the idea that some things can be done for no reason other than because it's time .

(^ scheduling is odd to me.
(^ I'm still getting use to it.
(^ setting the time to do things not because they can't be done some other time, but because the ritual can both free up ideas as well as trap others into being a part or apart.

(^ I often opt out of interacting with others. seldom works out anyway..
(6 but.
(^ thursdays is partially my exerted effort to make that change over
(^ to volunteer for old and new contact contexts.. reviewing the times conact HAS had a use filled effect.

(^ Why?
(^ because it's Thursday.
the day before friday: the weekend.
the beginnings of another end.