

(^ ThEY'rE_tH_EAR

Sunday, August 24, 2008

(^ Bruce Bickford links dan bern singing background noise long ago:

(^ so if you want to listen to some background noise just open that in a second window or tab: let it play while reading. have fun!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Aug 24, 2008 12:40 PM

(^ this first link is to something I made at Bruce Bickford's home whiole working on xena princess warrior. a quick test of the system on vhs dumping while fiddling with the playback speed and patching in sound from a cd made on site by Josh Zawaduk: Dan bern's backup all around band member on haitus at the time. this was a
perception player dump from 1997 Boar'sHead/Whore'sBed,


(^ other places to see Mr.B. content:

(^ http://www.monsterroad.com

(^ oh yeah. and gale was FINALLY talked into THIS:



8/24 @ 7:30 & 9:30pm
Frank Zappa's The Amazing Mr. Bickford
The title is not an exaggeration. Bruce Bickford's art--a hallucinatory stop-motion amalgamation of Peter Pan, Ray Harryhausen, and The Wild Bunch--is nothing short of amazing. Frank Zappa first used the incredible talents of self-taught claymation wizard Bickford as visual companions to
his music in the film Baby Snakes, and continued this collaboration in The Amazing Mr. Bickford. On the film's original VHS cover, Zappa exclaimed, "Bruce Bickford is a genius!...Few other home video products can compare with the years of effort and attention to detail contained in less than an hour of The Amazing Mr. Bickford. It is a show that will be watched again and again, freeze-framed, and gasped at for years to come." Bruce Bickford will be in attendance for a Q&A after this incredibly rare screening.
Dirs. Bruce Bickford & Frank Zappa, 1987, digital presentation, 60 min.
Tickets - $14/ $10 for members




8/26 @ 8pm
Cas'l and Other Unreleased Bruce Bickford Films
While the greater mass of animator Bruce Bickford's work seen by the public consists of the films he made while working for Frank Zappa, he never stopped working, either before or after his employ. We will screen some of Bruce's early Super-8 experiments as a teenager, as well as his unfinished 45-minute opus Cas'l, the inspired result of years of solitary work, featuring a live score by The Gaslamp Killer. Also, Bickford will perform on of his "blues raps", with musical accompaniment by Gerry
Tickets - $14/ $10 for members


try hitting woundupwounded@gmail.com
if you wants to talk with me.
(^ I'm sort of one of Mr.B's personal not so secret contact.
(^ We've been dragging him out in public lately.
(^ oh . hey. where in the world are you? btw? just curious.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Aug 18, 2008 7:31 PM

Wow!!!You know Bruce Bickford??
I am impressed!!How did you meet him?? oxoxoxoxo Jim

(^ lived in his basement while working for flat earth productions back in 1997.
(^I'm kind of his personal computer assistant.
(^ your taste in stuff and friends was nice. thanks for helping me find links to jimmy carl black.
(^ do you know if he's dead yet or not?
(^ last I heard cancer was eating his ass alive.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Aug 19, 2008 7:39 PM
I jammed with Geronimo black a few times after the show,they introduced themselves to me!!!A big portion of Jimmy's family and the Grandmothers sat at the table with us!!!Jimmy's wife sat on my lap most of the time we were there!!!It was great!!!Does Bruce have a page??It's very nice to have you as a friend!!!! oxoxoxoxo Jim

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Gusty Swirl
Date: Aug 19, 2008 6:19 PM
(^ ...yep.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

(^ an(^ another link to someone interested in bickford contact

subjectPremiere Screening of Hurqalya, 7:30pm, Friday, Aug. 15th (1)

hide details 3:58 PM (3 hours ago)


Great talking with you today. Great to hear Bruce is going to be able to see his stuff on a big screen, Great that you want to help spread the word about this new stop-motion feature of mine.

Below is the Festival Announcement and here is the link to the trailer



Also feel free to visit my website to see my past work for peops like Serj Tankian of System of a Down and more

I remain:
Tawd b. Dorenfeld

Downtown Film Festival
is proud to present for the first time in America.
after it's World premiere in the Slovakia Republic,
Tawd b. Dorenfeld's tour-de-force, self-animated Feature Film, "Hurqalya"
(Other World
a feature film unlike any other since the beautifully animated works of
the Silent Era.


Written/Directed/Animated by Tawd b. Dorenfeld

This Friday
August 15th, 7pm, Laemmle Grande, Downtown LA

Advanced Tickets available at www.DFFLA.com

this is limited seating, there will be some tickets at the door


With pride the Downtown Film Festival, LA chose to showcase Dorenfeld's

as their Main Theatrical and Televised Film Festival Trailer
and now
the festival requests that you please attend the US Premiere of
in full form accompanied by a most remarkable soundtrack scored and
recorded live
by world renowned composer Trey Spruance and his equally gifted band of
musicians the Secret Chiefs 3
(past Spruance collaborations include John Zorn, Mike Patton, & more)

The Story:

"Hurqalya"(Other World)

A willful man takes the shape of an oblivious goat
in hopes to discover the value of death in a world overwhelmed by its own

Act of one man's employment

The Man is granted his mission to become a Goat in order to bea locks of
the call
and is required to employ seven mates to form and embellish the Man's
right of passage.

The Goat and Company hitch a ride with a wandering Cult of Numbers,
where Goat learns that his best friend Soldier and Soldier's runaway,
Lover Veneylla
seek a Gold Trimmed Saber in hopes of healing Soldier's self-inflicted

Land of Lovers and inevitable future changes

Here, the Goat must choose to save or sacrafice his friend the wounded
soldier to the Sincere Sultan.

Act of Denial

Goat finds himself alone and questions if he is being followed or led by
his own oracle.

Confused, and fearing a death without value,
the Goat turns to the Soiled Horse with a series of questions
only to partake in a riddling conversation that leads to the Goat's first
death by the flames of his own innocence.

The Goat's composited thirds go through a series of deaths:

First death by innocence,
Second death upon the Gold Trimmed Saber,
and the third death by an abundance of belief.

Act of He

After Goat loses his purpose of character, and personality,
the thirds of the Goat rush for a final chance of salvation by feasting
upon a myriad of philosophies,
and learning "All-Law."

...only to be returned, baptized by the Soil that weaned the fine Goat.

Act of Me

The Secret Chapter.

Please come to the Premiere. Thank you.

This Friday
August 15th, 7pm, Laemmle Grande Theater, Downtown LA